Today's story is one about the temptations that Jesus faced, similar to all religious and political leaders.
*Read any story between pgs. 186 and 245 of Whirl Kids Story Bible, and you can also email if you need help following along in a different Story Bible.
Here's a 6 minute video about the meaning of baptism. Can you explain the difference between being "happy" and being "faithful"?
Join the Adventure! (Chapt. 20 in We Make the Road by Walking)
Excerpt for today: "So (Jesus) will not use his power for personal comfort and pleasure. He will refuse unscrupulous means to achieve just and peaceful ends. He will not reach for spectacle over substance. And so Jesus sets the course for the great work before him-not driven by a human lust for pleasure, power or prestige, but empowered by the Spirit. And of course, if we want to join Jesus in his great work, we must face our own inner demons and discover the same Spirit-empowerment." pg. 92
This continues to be one of my favorite political passages in the Bible - a clear rebuke of the ways of Ceasar and others at the top of an empire. There is a different way to be a political and religious leader, and a different way to create economic and political stablility.