Jesus and the Children


A reminder that children should not be left out of church and life in general.  Hopefully we involve all generations, and hopefully the global UMC church can become younger/balanced in the near future.  Are there childhood memories of feeling included in (left out of?) church that we can share with our children?

*Read along with pg. 246-9 in Whirl Kids Story Bible, and you can also email if you need help following along in a different Story Bible.


Here's a video on youth.  We are not told the exact age of the children Jesus had with him.  I personally think that today, Jesus would probably include anyone younger than 18.  Regardless, here's a video that's somewhat random on the thoughts of some high schoolers on the "power" of influencers.  What I always appreciate, is the questions and thoughtfulness that children and youth bring to any conversation.  Don't stop thinking, "arguing," and challenging the way things are.  The beauty of children and youth for the church, is their honesty and their energy.  Thanks for all you bring to the church!  I trust that you are engaging the church, let alone social media, and all institutions of power!


"Significant and Wonderful" and the next two chapters (Chpt. 21-23 We Make the Road by Walking)

"In his parables, he constantly made heroes of people from the multitudes: day laborers, small farmers, women working in the home, slaves, and children.  He captured the dilemma of what we would call middle management-the stewards, tax collectors, and their associates who extracted income from the poor and powerless below them for the sake of the rich and powerful above them...  In addressing the social realities of his day, Jesus constantly turned the normal dominance pyramid on its head, confusing even his discipels."  pg. 107

Clearly Jesus does not stop with adults, but includes even the children in his view of justice, inclusion and empowerment.  Children are not adults, but clearly they are a full human being in their own stage of life.  In our society we often favor certain demographics, including age-based demographics.  May we always remember see the full humanity of children and the elderly.