There are not a lot of stories of Jesus growing up. I often wonder what it would be like to have more stories of his childhood, and his childhood friendships. May this story remind us that childhood is important, and also that children can keep reminding us of what is important! *Read along in Whirl Kids Story Bible pg. 174-177. If you have another Story Bible, email and I help you make a reading list for your Bible.
While some of this might be silly, this video reminds us that all children are being taught things about "God," from different spiritualities. I hope you find this video a bit humorous, a bit intriguing, and a bit of a reason to reconsider what you think the children younger than you should know about God.
"Jesus Coming of Age" (Chpt. 19 in We Make the Road by Walking)
This chapter talks a bit about Jesus as a child, but even more so about his relative John (the "Baptist"). While John had been raised in a fairly privileged life as the son of a Priest, he choose to give up his privilege and to question the system his family benefited from. I wonder how my two kids will push me even more to reconsider my privilege and what I do from it. May all of our children and relationships make as better versions of who we are.